*   The 66 books of the Bible are the inspired Word of God as originally written.  The Bible is the only
     infallible source of truth by which we evaluate everything else.

*    There is one true God who is manifested in three persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  
      All three have existed from all eternity.

*   God created humans in His image to bring glory to Himself, but sin has separated us from Him.
     As a result of our sinfulness, we are by nature alienated from God, headed for destruction, and in
     need of salvation.

*   God has lovingly provided salvation through His son who entered into this world in the person of
     Jesus Christ.  He was born of Mary who was a virgin at that time.  He lived a perfect life, died on
     the cross to pay the price for our sin, was buried, and rose from the dead.  He ascended to
     heaven and will one day return.

*   Salvation is available to all who repent and place their faith in Jesus.  It is a free gift that is not
     earned or deserved and is only available through Jesus.

*   There is a literal, eternal heaven and hell.
After thirty-eight years of faithful leadership, Pastor Nord Zootman has retired.  The passing of his beloved wife, Christy, coincided with his retirement and made for a doubly difficult good-bye. 
Our prayers for God's sustaining grace and comfort continue for him and for his family. 

Boone & Julie Aldridge
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Robynne Bruckenstein
Chosen People Ministries
*serves in Tel Aviv, Israel

Steve & Sherry DeFord
IBIMI - Independent Baptist
Indian Missions, Inc.

Ben & Alisha Dibuduo
Navigators Collegiate Ministries

Joyce Jones
Faith Baptist Mission
*serving the Tohono O'Odham Nation
of south-central Arizona

Daniel & Reyna Sandoval
Spanish World Ministries

Stan & Jane Stringer
Faith Baptist Mission
*serving the Tohono O'Odham Nation
of south-central Arizona

Bringing Children Hope

Camp Emmanuel

Food Pantry
Carroll County

Food Pantry
White County

Kokomo Rescue Mission

Moody Radio

Weekday Religious Education
Carroll County

Weekday Religious Education
White County

Missionaries and Ministries We Support
Good-byes are so difficult...

a summary of...
Lockport Church
  Rooted in faith,
     growing in grace